Vãyu (vata), Pitta and Kapha are the three dos, in brief; they destroy and support (sustain, maintain) the body when they are abnormal and normal respectively.
Notes :——The doäs are material substances present in the body always, they have their own definite pramäsa (quantity), gusia (quality) and karma (functions). When they are normal (avikrta) they attend to different functions of the body and so maintain it. But they have the tendency to become abnormal (vi1cta) undergoing increase ( vddhi) or decrease (kaya) in their quantity, one or more of their qualities and fun. ctions. When they becone abnormal, they vitiate their places of dwc. fling—the dhatus (tissues ) because of thu tendency of vitiation, they are called as doãs or vitiators. These thrce—Väta, pitta and kapha—are more intimately concerned with the body, hence cal’ed as lãrlraka doas in dis. tinction to two mänasa doas -the rajas and tamas—which are concerned with the mind. The specific mention of three, a their numbet is to deny any fourth dola as some consider rakta (blood ) as the fourth one.
Though present all ove the body, they are found (predominantly) in the region-below, middle and above, respectively, of the area between the heart and the umbilicus.
Reference Indian medicinal plants
Notes —Doãs are present in every cell of the body attending to its different functions; they are found predominantly in certain places, viz. vãta in the area below the umbilicus, pitta in the area between the heart and the umbilicus; and kapha in the area above the heart.
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